
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“就在亲族和熟识的人中找他,既找不着,就回耶路撒冷去找他。” - 路 2:44-45








路加福音 2:41-52

41 每年到逾越节,他父母就上耶路撒冷去。
42 当他十二岁的时候,他们按着节期的规矩上去。
43 守满了节期,他们回去,孩童耶稣仍旧在耶路撒冷,他的父母并不知道,
44 以为他在同行的人中间。走了一天的路程,就在亲族和熟识的人中找他,
45 既找不着,就回耶路撒冷去找他。
46 过了三天,就遇见他在殿里,坐在教师中间,一面听一面问。
47 凡听见他的,都稀奇他的聪明和他的应对。
48 他父母看见就很稀奇。他母亲对他说:“我儿,为什么向我们这样行呢?看哪,你父亲和我伤心来找你!”
49 耶稣说:“为什么找我呢?岂不知我应当以我父的事为念吗?”
50 他所说的这话,他们不明白。
51 他就同他们下去,回到拿撒勒,并且顺从他们。他母亲把这一切的事都存在心里。
52 耶稣的智慧和身量,并神和人喜爱他的心,都一齐增长。

Finding Jesus

"They began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him." — Luke 2:44-45

英语音频 English Audio

One of the first stories about Jesus takes place when he and Joseph and Mary are visiting Jerusalem with some other families for the Feast of Passover. Mary and Joseph must have been frantic when they realized Jesus was missing. At first it is easy to think that your child is with other friends in the crowd, but then you realize you don’t hear his laughter or see him anywhere near. The search began in earnest, and they had to travel back to Jerusalem to find him.

When they found Jesus in the temple, he was perfectly fine. In fact, he was astonishing people with his questions and answers. And he was a little surprised that his parents were so upset. Having had the experience years ago of losing our son for a few hours helps me understand the feelings of Mary and Joseph. So, of course, when they realized Jesus wasn’t there, they went searching for him.

That reminds me of something I often hear in mission conversations today: “Find where God is at work, and join him.”

I wonder if we get so busy doing life that we sometimes stop experiencing God’s presence and his interruptions. Perhaps the beginning of a new year is a good time to search out where Jesus is and to join him in conversation and in the important work he is doing. Where do you see Jesus at work?


Dear Jesus, at the start of this new year, help us find you and walk the journey of life with you. Help us to listen to you and follow you. Thanks for being here with us. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
