
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“‘那些〔指控你的人〕在哪里呢?没有人定你的罪吗?’… 耶稣说:‘我也不定你的罪,去吧!从此不要再犯罪了。’” - 约 8:10-11







约翰福音 8:1-11

1 于是各人都回家去了。耶稣却往橄榄山去。
2 清早又回到殿里,众百姓都到他那里去,他就坐下教训他们。
3 文士和法利赛人带着一个行淫时被拿的妇人来,叫她站在当中,
4 就对耶稣说:“夫子,这妇人是正行淫之时被拿的。
5 摩西在律法上吩咐我们把这样的妇人用石头打死,你说该把她怎么样呢?”
6 他们说这话乃试探耶稣,要得着告他的把柄。耶稣却弯着腰,用指头在地上画字。
7 他们还是不住地问他,耶稣就直起腰来,对他们说:“你们中间谁是没有罪的,谁就可以先拿石头打她。”
8 于是又弯着腰,用指头在地上画字。
9 他们听见这话,就从老到少,一个一个地都出去了,只剩下耶稣一人,还有那妇人仍然站在当中。
10 耶稣就直起腰来,对她说:“妇人,那些人在哪里呢?没有人定你的罪吗?”
11 她说:“主啊,没有。”耶稣说:“我也不定你的罪。去吧,从此不要再犯罪了!”

Throw Away The Stone

"'Where are [your accusers]? Has no one condemned you? . . . Then neither do I condemn you,' Jesus declared. 'Go now and leave your life of sin.'" — John 8:10-11

英语音频 English Audio

We are often drawn in to lifelike stories about tragedy, love, and heroism, and we tend to hope for a happy ending. Our imaginations fire up with the plot’s twists and turns. We don’t like it when a character is treated unfairly, and we smile when justice is served. We walk away satisfied when the tale has ended well.

Stories in real life, though, can work out a little differently. I don’t know who the adulterous woman in this story was, or where her story started, but I am pretty sure she didn’t want to be dragged into a public square and threatened with execution. Having your faults exposed for everyone to see is not something any of us wants in our life story. It is easy to judge others and find fault with them, but then Jesus, who is there listening, speaks up.

In that moment of telling those who are without sin to throw a stone, Jesus reminds us that we are all sinners and that this woman represents us. Only Jesus has the right to throw a stone, and he chooses not to. Instead, he chooses to use grace and forgiveness. Jesus asks that each of us throw away our stones and follow his example.


Dear God, remind us today that our task is not to judge others but instead to offer people your forgiveness. Help us all to accept your offer of forgiveness and begin living a new story. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
