
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶稣说:‘撒但,退去吧!因为经上记着说:当拜主你的神,单要侍奉他。’” - 太 4:10




我们有基督的灵住在我们心里,靠着衪的灵的能力,我们也一样可以抵挡试探的。看到在我们面前的事物,我们或许会感到好奇,然而,像耶稣那样,我们也需要就此罢休和勇往直前。耶稣忍受试探,衪为我们的缘故胜过了考验,现今我们便可以效法衪的榜样去抵挡试探了。我们信得过,神必定会给我们开一条出路的(哥林多前书 10:13)。




马太福音 4:1-11

1 当时,耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。
2 他禁食四十昼夜,后来就饿了。
3 那试探人的进前来,对他说:“你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物!”
4 耶稣却回答说:“经上记着说:‘人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话。’”
5 魔鬼就带他进了圣城,叫他站在殿顶上,
6 对他说:“你若是神的儿子,可以跳下去!因为经上记着说:‘主要为你吩咐他的使者用手托着你,免得你的脚碰在石头上。’”
7 耶稣对他说:“经上又记着说:‘不可试探主你的神。’”
8 魔鬼又带他上了一座最高的山,将世上的万国与万国的荣华都指给他看,
9 对他说:“你若俯伏拜我,我就把这一切都赐给你。”
10 耶稣说:“撒旦,退去吧!因为经上记着说:‘当拜主你的神,单要侍奉他。’”
11 于是魔鬼离了耶稣,有天使来伺候他。

How To Resist

"Jesus said to him, 'Away from me, Satan! For it is written: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only."'" — Matthew 4:10

英语音频 English Audio

Have you ever been tempted to take something that didn’t belong to you, or something that wasn’t yours to have at the moment?

Maybe it was a piece of candy at the store, or a friend’s toy, or someone else’s jewelry. Maybe it was something that looked exciting and fun, but you also knew that it could be dangerous and hurt you. Maybe it was something you thought you deserved, or felt you just had to have, and you knew this might be your only chance to have it. After all, it looked so interesting and inviting—and even though you had been warned about it, you thought, “How could this possibly do any harm?”

As the devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness, he used all kinds of reasoning and tricks to try to convince Jesus that he should have certain things or do certain things. But, thankfully for us, Jesus never gave in to temptation. He saw through Satan’s lies and pushed away those temptations by recalling God’s words to us in Scripture.

We too can resist temptation—by the power of Christ’s Spirit in us. We may be curious about what we see in front of us, but, like Jesus, we need to let it go and move on. He endured temptation so that he could pass the test for our sake, and now we have his example of how to resist. We can trust that God will always provide a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13).


Lord, thank you for your example of how not to give in to temptations. Please give us the courage and power to resist, and please provide us a way out. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
