
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶稣回来的时候,众人迎接他,因为他们都等候他。” - 路 8:40









路加福音 8:40-56

40 耶稣回来的时候,众人迎接他,因为他们都等候他。
41 有一个管会堂的,名叫睚鲁,来俯伏在耶稣脚前,求耶稣到他家里去,
42 因他有一个独生女儿,约有十二岁,快要死了。耶稣去的时候,众人拥挤他。
43 有一个女人患了十二年的血漏,在医生手里花尽了她一切养生的,并没有一人能医好她。
44 她来到耶稣背后,摸他的衣裳穗子,血漏立刻就止住了。
45 耶稣说:“摸我的是谁?”众人都不承认。彼得和同行的人都说:“夫子,众人拥拥挤挤紧靠着你。”
46 耶稣说:“总有人摸我,因我觉得有能力从我身上出去。”
47 那女人知道不能隐藏,就战战兢兢地来俯伏在耶稣脚前,把摸他的缘故和怎样立刻得好了,当着众人都说出来。
48 耶稣对她说:“女儿,你的信救了你,平平安安地去吧!”
49 还说话的时候,有人从管会堂的家里来,说:“你的女儿死了,不要劳动夫子。”
50 耶稣听见就对他说:“不要怕,只要信!你的女儿就必得救。”
51 耶稣到了他的家,除了彼得、约翰、雅各和女儿的父母,不许别人同他进去。
52 众人都为这女儿哀哭捶胸。耶稣说:“不要哭,她不是死了,是睡着了。”
53 他们晓得女儿已经死了,就嗤笑耶稣。
54 耶稣拉着她的手,呼叫说:“女儿,起来吧!”
55 她的灵魂便回来,她就立刻起来了。耶稣吩咐给她东西吃。
56 她的父母惊奇得很。耶稣嘱咐他们,不要把所做的事告诉人。

Jesus Always Has Time

"When Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him." — Luke 8:40

英语音频 English Audio

Patience is not my strong suit. I try really hard, but there are days when I am not very successful. I have an expectation in my mind, and I like to have things work out the way I have planned.

Perhaps the crowd in the street that day felt the same way. Everyone had come to see Jesus and was expecting something to happen.

More than likely, what happened that day was a lot more than they were expecting.

First, a religious leader was desperate for his daughter to be made well. She was dying, and the only hope that Jairus had left was for Jesus to come and heal her. After hearing about her, Jesus started down the road to where the little girl was. He planned to go there and change the situation.

Then, what no one else saw was the desperation of a woman who had been ill for over twelve years and who believed she would be well if only she could touch Jesus. And what no one expected was that Jesus would stop in the crowd to find the woman. Jairus was running out of time, and he needed Jesus to keep walking. The woman wasn’t even expecting Jesus to stop and address her.

What I love about this story is that Jesus had time for both. Jesus always has time for us, whether we are patient or not.


Dear Lord, thank you that you are not limited by time or by our expectations of what should happen. Help us to trust your timing and your results for our lives. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
