
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他们吃饱了,… 〔门徒〕便将 … 剩下的 … 装满了十二个篮子。” - 约 6:12-13









约翰福音 6:1-13

1 这事以后,耶稣渡过加利利海,就是提比哩亚海。
2 有许多人因为看见他在病人身上所行的神迹,就跟随他。
3 耶稣上了山,和门徒一同坐在那里。
4 那时犹太人的逾越节近了。
5 耶稣举目看见许多人来,就对腓力说:“我们从哪里买饼叫这些人吃呢?”
6 他说这话是要试验腓力,他自己原知道要怎样行。
7 腓力回答说:“就是二十两银子的饼,叫他们各人吃一点也是不够的。”
8 有一个门徒,就是西门彼得的兄弟安得烈,对耶稣说:
9 “在这里有一个孩童,带着五个大麦饼、两条鱼,只是分给这许多人还算什么呢?”
10 耶稣说:“你们叫众人坐下。”原来那地方的草多。众人就坐下,数目约有五千。
11 耶稣拿起饼来,祝谢了,就分给那坐着的人,分鱼也是这样,都随着他们所要的。
12 他们吃饱了,耶稣对门徒说:“把剩下的零碎收拾起来,免得有糟蹋的。”
13 他们便将那五个大麦饼的零碎,就是众人吃了剩下的,收拾起来,装满了十二个篮子。

Questions In My Mind

"When they had all had enough to eat . . . [the disciples] filled twelve baskets with the pieces . . . left over. . . ." — John 6:12-13

英语音频 English Audio

On Thursday evenings our church hosts a community dinner called “Stone Soup.” It is based on the children’s story by the same name. The theory is that everyone brings an ingredient with them. We decide on a meal plan, and everyone pitches in. Depending on the numbers of people coming for dinner and the donations we receive, we have often prayed for a “loaves and fishes” blessing. No one ever goes away hungry.

I often wonder, How do people match what to bring? And how do the people in the kitchen decide how to use the ingredients and make everything stretch to feed the crowd?

I also have questions about Jesus’ feeding a huge crowd of many thousands. For example, how did they find the little boy in this huge crowd; what brought him to their attention? I also wonder what the disciples were thinking when Jesus saw the five loaves and two fish and then just said, “Have the people sit down,” as if everything was already solved. The impossibility of the moment must have been on their minds.

But Jesus doesn’t seem troubled. He offers thanks and begins to distribute the food, more than enough for everyone.

Though I also have other questions—such as Where did they find the baskets?—I am more encouraged to know that when we bring our small amounts to Jesus, he uses them to be more than enough.


Dear Jesus, when we think we do not have enough, show us what we do have and help us to trust in you to make it enough by giving it to you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
