
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我若靠着神的灵赶鬼,这就是神的国临到你们了。” - 太 12:28








马太福音 12:22-30

22 当下,有人将一个被鬼附着、又瞎又哑的人带到耶稣那里。耶稣就医治他,甚至那哑巴又能说话,又能看见。
23 众人都惊奇,说:“这不是大卫的子孙吗?”
24 但法利赛人听见,就说:“这个人赶鬼,无非是靠着鬼王别西卜啊。”
25 耶稣知道他们的意念,就对他们说:“凡一国自相纷争,就成为荒场;一城一家自相纷争,必站立不住。
26 若撒旦赶逐撒旦,就是自相纷争,他的国怎能站得住呢?
27 我若靠着别西卜赶鬼,你们的子弟赶鬼又靠着谁呢?这样,他们就要断定你们的是非。
28 我若靠着神的灵赶鬼,这就是神的国临到你们了。
29 人怎能进壮士家里抢夺他的家具呢?除非先捆住那壮士,才可以抢夺他的家财。
30 不与我相合的,就是敌我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。

Kingdom Contested

“But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” — Matthew 12:28

英语音频 English Audio

Have you ever paid careful attention to political elections, and specifically the political debates leading up to an election? Most often we see candidates putting one another down, even resorting to name calling. These leaders recognize and are motivated by the fact that their future depends on being the chosen one.

Jesus heals a deaf and mute man, a man with an evil spirit. The people who are watching begin to wonder if Jesus is the Messiah. The Pharisees see that this could affect their position of influence and power, so they automatically discredit Jesus. They realize that if indeed the Spirit of God is at work and the kingdom of heaven has come, then the Messiah-King is present and they are no longer in charge. So they suggest that Jesus is only able to do this miracle because he is part of Satan’s kingdom.

Notice how Jesus responds. He makes clear that the choice is significant; there is no middle ground. If the people are not for him, they are against him. The kingdom of God shares no ground with the devil.

In the way we interact with others each day, in the way we use our resources, we show whether we are for or against Jesus. It’s important that each of us take time to consider which team we are a part of.


Lord Jesus, thank you for being our King. We are excited to be part of what you are doing here on earth. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
