
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶稣又设个比喻对他们说,天国好像人撒好种在田里。” - 太 13:24









马太福音 13:24-30

24 耶稣又设个比喻对他们说:“天国好像人撒好种在田里,
25 及至人睡觉的时候,有仇敌来,将稗子撒在麦子里就走了。
26 到长苗吐穗的时候,稗子也显出来。
27 田主的仆人来告诉他说:‘主啊,你不是撒好种在田里吗?从哪里来的稗子呢?’
28 主人说:‘这是仇敌做的。’仆人说:‘你要我们去薅出来吗?’
29 主人说:‘不必,恐怕薅稗子,连麦子也拔出来。
30 容这两样一齐长,等着收割。当收割的时候,我要对收割的人说:先将稗子薅出来,捆成捆,留着烧,唯有麦子要收在仓里。’”

Sower, Seeds, Weeds

Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.” — Matthew 13:24

英语音频 English Audio

Here we have another parable about sowing seed. This time the focus is on the kind of seed that is sown—and the plants that grow from it. Good wheat seed is planted in a field, and weeds are also sown. Given the choice to remove the weeds, the owner declines; wanting the wheat to grow, he decides to let the weeds remain. If the weeds were uprooted now, the wheat would also be uprooted.

The owner knows that at harvest time it will be easier to separate the wheat from the weeds. In the meantime, the wheat will grow as wheat, and the weeds will remain weeds. Let them grow to maturity, and then the two can be separated easily; the wheat’s fruit is obvious in contrast with that of the weeds.

This is a picture of how God’s Word and life grow in us while we live each day in the field of his world. It is easy to fit in, to be like people around us. And when we are surrounded by the sin and evil of this world, we can be overcome with uncertainty. But our Lord knows us, and he chooses not to remove us from the field. He allows us to stand in contrast to the weeds, as we produce the crop we are intended for.

This parable comes to us as a message of encouragement: Trust the field owner; his love will see you through to maturity.


Lord, thank you for loving me. In all situations, help me remain confident of being who you created me to be. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
