
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“天国又好比一个人要往外国去,就叫了仆人来,把他的家业交给他们。” - 太 25:14









马太福音 25:14-28

14 “天国又好比一个人要往外国去,就叫了仆人来,把他的家业交给他们,
15 按着各人的才干给他们银子,一个给了五千,一个给了二千,一个给了一千,就往外国去了。
16 那领五千的随即拿去做买卖,另外赚了五千。
17 那领二千的也照样另赚了二千。
18 但那领一千的去掘开地,把主人的银子埋藏了。
19 过了许久,那些仆人的主人来了,和他们算帐。
20 那领五千银子的又带着那另外的五千来,说:‘主啊,你交给我五千银子,请看,我又赚了五千。’
21 主人说:‘好,你这又良善又忠心的仆人,你在不多的事上有忠心,我要把许多事派你管理。可以进来享受你主人的快乐!’
22 那领二千的也来,说:‘主啊,你交给我二千银子,请看,我又赚了二千。’
23 主人说:‘好,你这又良善又忠心的仆人,你在不多的事上有忠心,我要把许多事派你管理。可以进来享受你主人的快乐!’
24 那领一千的也来,说:‘主啊,我知道你是忍心的人,没有种的地方要收割,没有散的地方要聚敛。
25 我就害怕,去把你的一千银子埋藏在地里。请看,你的原银子在这里。’
26 主人回答说:‘你这又恶又懒的仆人!你既知道我没有种的地方要收割,没有散的地方要聚敛,
27 就当把我的银子放给兑换银钱的人,到我来的时候,可以连本带利收回。
28 夺过他这一千来,给那有一万的!

Come And Share

“Again, [the kingdom of heaven] will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them.” — Matthew 25:14

英语音频 English Audio

“Come and share your master’s happiness!” That is what the master says to the two servants who managed their talents well.

In this parable the master not only says “Well done,” but he also adds a reward, an invitation: “Come and share your master’s happiness!”

That’s quite the invitation for a master to extend to a servant! The servant is not likely even to expect praise for a job well done; after all it is his duty to serve to the best of his ability. But to also be welcomed in to share in his master’s happiness—that is unheard of!

Yet that’s the way it is for us. Our Lord and Master expects us to live faithfully and loyally as stewards of the resources and talents he has provided us. But, even more, he also gives us the ability to do these things. Have you ever made a meal for someone who needed support? Or have you visited a person confined to their home? Or have you housed someone who needed a place to sleep? That was the work of the Spirit of God in you, showing others his love.

God even gives us a feeling of well-being when we do something good for someone. How awesome that he still shows us we have done well and that he invites us to share in his happiness now and forever.

Share God’s love with a neighbor today, and share in God’s blessing and happiness!


Lord, thank you for your love, and guide us to share it freely. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
