
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶和华说:‘这就是他,你起来膏他。’” - 撒上 16:12




神的儿子耶稣,也是一位牧羊人(约翰福音 10:11-16)。衪以弥赛亚(“受膏者”)的身份到来,衪是神很久以前应许赐给衪的子民的拯救者。就像耶西一家需要等候大卫回来那样,以色列民也需要等待弥赛亚降临。耶稣就是神所拣选的那一位。





撒母耳记上 16:1-13

1 耶和华对撒母耳说:“我既厌弃扫罗做以色列的王,你为他悲伤要到几时呢?你将膏油盛满了角,我差遣你往伯利恒人耶西那里去。因为我在他众子之内,预定一个做王的。”
2 撒母耳说:“我怎能去呢?扫罗若听见,必要杀我。”耶和华说:“你可以带一只牛犊去,就说:‘我来是要向耶和华献祭。’”
3 你要请耶西来吃祭肉,我就指示你所当行的事。我所指给你的人,你要膏他。”
4 撒母耳就照耶和华的话去行。到了伯利恒,那城里的长老都战战兢兢地出来迎接他,问他说:“你是为平安来的吗?”
5 他说:“为平安来的,我是给耶和华献祭。你们当自洁,来与我同吃祭肉。”撒母耳就使耶西和他众子自洁,请他们来吃祭肉。
6 他们来的时候,撒母耳看见以利押,就心里说:“耶和华的受膏者必定在他面前。”
7 耶和华却对撒母耳说:“不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他。因为耶和华不像人看人,人是看外貌,耶和华是看内心。”
8 耶西叫亚比拿达从撒母耳面前经过,撒母耳说:“耶和华也不拣选他。”
9 耶西又叫沙玛从撒母耳面前经过,撒母耳说:“耶和华也不拣选他。”
10 耶西叫他七个儿子都从撒母耳面前经过,撒母耳说:“这都不是耶和华所拣选的。”
11 撒母耳对耶西说:“你的儿子都在这里吗?”他回答说:“还有个小的,现在放羊。”撒母耳对耶西说:“你打发人去叫他来。他若不来,我们必不坐席。”
12 耶西就打发人去叫了他来。他面色光红,双目清秀,容貌俊美。耶和华说:“这就是他,你起来膏他。”
13 撒母耳就用角里的膏油,在他诸兄中膏了他。从这日起,耶和华的灵就大大感动大卫。撒母耳起身回拉玛去了。

He Is The One

"The LORD said, 'Rise and anoint him; this is the one.'" — 1 Samuel 16:12

英语音频 English Audio

God sends Samuel on a mission to anoint a new king. All Samuel knows is that God will choose one of Jesse’s sons. So Samuel prepares Jesse and his sons and invites them to a special ceremony. Jesse brings his seven eldest sons, but God chooses none of them. What? “Are these all the sons you have?” Samuel asks. Jesse explains that the youngest is out tending the family’s sheep. So they all wait till the young shepherd arrives.

In this awkward, unlikely scene, we witness an unexpected and awesome pause. God does not make decisions the way people do. And God, not anyone else, will make this choice.

So David the young shepherd is anointed to become king of Israel. God tells Samuel to anoint him because “the LORD looks at the heart” rather than merely outward appearances. And by God’s power working through him, David goes on to become one of the greatest kings in Israel’s history.

Jesus, God’s Son, is a shepherd too (John 10:11-16). He came to be the Messiah (“Anointed One”), the long-promised deliverer of God’s people. In a way like Jesse’s family had to wait, Israel waited for the Messiah. Jesus was God’s chosen one.

You and I are identified and chosen by God too. By his grace and mercy, God anoints us (calls us) to serve him in this world. He calls us to take his good-news message to everyone everywhere. Are you ready?


Thank you, Jesus, for being the one to deliver us from the curse of sin. May we be ready and willing to follow you and to share this good news with others. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
