
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“你们从主所受的恩膏 … 是真的,不是假的,你们要按这恩膏的教训住在主里面。” - 约一 2:27


有两种势力正在今日的世代中运行:一是凭真理作工的圣灵,一是靠说谎的父、撒但魔鬼的能力作工的恶者。在每天的生活中,我们都感受到这种张力。令人痛心的是,很多基督徒一脚踏在信心的生活中,另一脚则踏在世界里。圣经称这种信心为不冷不热的信心(启示录 3:15-16)。







约翰一书 2:20-27

20 你们从那圣者受了恩膏,并且知道这一切的事。
21 我写信给你们,不是因你们不知道真理,正是因你们知道,并且知道没有虚谎是从真理出来的。
22 谁是说谎话的呢?不是那不认耶稣为基督的吗?不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。
23 凡不认子的,就没有父;认子的,连父也有了。
24 论到你们,务要将那从起初所听见的常存在心里。若将从起初所听见的存在心里,你们就必住在子里面,也必住在父里面。
25 主所应许我们的就是永生。
26 我将这些话写给你们,是指着那引诱你们的人说的。
27 你们从主所受的恩膏常存在你们心里,并不用人教训你们,自有主的恩膏在凡事上教训你们。这恩膏是真的,不是假的。你们要按这恩膏的教训住在主里面。

You Have An Anointing

"The anointing you received from him . . . is real, not counterfeit—[so] just as it has taught you, remain in him." — 1 John 2:27

英语音频 English Audio

Years ago, without my knowledge, I was given a counterfeit 20 dollar bill. I didn’t realize it until a clerk eyed me suspiciously while I was paying with cash for something. Because it wasn’t the real thing, I had to prove my innocence. Thankfully, I wasn’t charged with a crime. But for a short time, I felt caught between the forces of truth and lies.

Two forces are at work in the world today: truth is working by the Holy Spirit, and evil is working by the energy of Satan, the devil, the father of lies. We feel this tension in our lives every day. Sadly, many Christians have one foot in the world and one foot in the life of faith. The Bible calls this lukewarm belief (Revelation 3:15-16).

We are living in days that involve a crisis of faith. The spirit of the antichrist is working in this world. It is vitally important to stand strong in the faith and to be able to recognize the lies and deceit of the evil one when they come our way. Having daily devotions and a consistent life of prayer is a beautiful way to carry out your anointing.

This anointing, the Bible tells us, is given to us by God and remains in us. Take comfort in this truth. Satan cannot snatch us away from God’s claim on our lives.

“You have an anointing from the Holy One, and . . . you know the truth.”


Thank you Lord, for your unfailing love and constant promises. We praise you that our anointing is real and sent by you alone. Keep us strong, we pray. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
