
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“藉着他也都是‘阿们,’叫神因我们得荣耀。” - 林后 1:20










哥林多后书 1:18-2:4

18 我指着信实的神说,我们向你们所传的道,并没有是而又非的。
19 因为我和西拉并提摩太在你们中间所传神的儿子耶稣基督,总没有是而又非的,在他只有一是。
20 神的应许不论有多少,在基督都是是的,所以藉着他也都是实在的,叫神因我们得荣耀。
21 那在基督里坚固我们和你们,并且膏我们的就是神;
22 他又用印印了我们,并赐圣灵在我们心里做凭据。
23 我呼吁神给我的心作见证,我没有往哥林多去是为要宽容你们。
24 我们并不是辖管你们的信心,乃是帮助你们的快乐,因为你们凭信才站立得住。
1 我自己定了主意,再到你们那里去,必须大家没有忧愁。
2 倘若我叫你们忧愁,除了我叫那忧愁的人以外,谁能叫我快乐呢?
3 我曾把这事写给你们,恐怕我到的时候,应该叫我快乐的那些人反倒叫我忧愁。我也深信,你们众人都以我的快乐为自己的快乐。
4 我先前心里难过痛苦,多多地流泪写信给你们,不是叫你们忧愁,乃是叫你们知道我格外地疼爱你们。


"Through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God." — 2 Corinthians 1:20

英语音频 English Audio

The word Amen means “Let it be so.” We often say this word at the end of a prayer.

As the apostle Paul shows us, this little word can even help us celebrate our anointing. He reminds us that all God’s promises are fulfilled in Christ and that our lives are like an Amen! to that fact as we live out the anointing he has given us.

All Christians have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, the only persons anointed by God were prophets, priests, and kings. Their anointing equipped them for service. As we yield to the work of the Spirit in us, he enables us to serve God and to live godly lives. The Spirit gives us the discernment and wisdom we need in order to serve God faithfully. And in the New Testament we see that we share in Christ’s anointing as prophets, priests, and kings and queens.

Why is the Bible so full of this talk of anointing? It all has to do with the glory of God. We are to use our spiritual anointing to God’s glory, honor, and praise.

Though you may not usually think of yourself as anointed, or as a prophet, priest, or ruler in God’s kingdom, you are. And hopefully you have found a place to serve and use your gifts for the Lord. As you bless others with your time, talent, and treasure, you carry out your anointing.

How are you serving God today as an anointed servant?


Lord Jesus, help me to accept my spiritual anointing. May it inspire me to give glory to your name and to share with others all the goodness of your kingdom. Let it be so; Amen!

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
