
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“‘你要说预言攻击 … 先知,对那些本己心发预言的说 …。’ ” - 结 13:2








以西结书 13:1-16

1 耶和华的话临到我说:
2 “人子啊,你要说预言攻击以色列中说预言的先知,对那些本己心发预言的说:‘你们当听耶和华的话!
3 主耶和华如此说:愚顽的先知有祸了!他们随从自己的心意,却一无所见。
4 以色列啊,你的先知好像荒场中的狐狸,
5 没有上去堵挡破口,也没有为以色列家重修墙垣,使他们当耶和华的日子在阵上站立得住。
6 这些人所见的是虚假,是谎诈的占卜。他们说“是耶和华说的”,其实耶和华并没有差遣他们,他们倒使人指望那话必然立定。
7 你们岂不是见了虚假的异象吗?岂不是说了谎诈的占卜吗?你们说“这是耶和华说的”,其实我没有说。
8 ‘所以主耶和华如此说:因你们说的是虚假,见的是谎诈,我就与你们反对。这是主耶和华说的。
9 我的手必攻击那见虚假异象,用谎诈占卜的先知。他们必不列在我百姓的会中,不录在以色列家的册上,也不进入以色列地,你们就知道我是主耶和华。’
10 因为他们诱惑我的百姓,说‘平安!’,其实没有平安,就像有人立起墙壁,他们倒用未泡透的灰抹上,
11 所以你要对那些抹上未泡透灰的人说:‘墙要倒塌,必有暴雨漫过。大冰雹啊,你们要降下,狂风也要吹裂这墙。
12 这墙倒塌之后,人岂不问你们说:“你们抹上未泡透的灰在哪里呢?”
13 所以主耶和华如此说:我要发怒使狂风吹裂这墙,在怒中使暴雨漫过,又发怒降下大冰雹毁灭这墙。
14 我要这样拆毁你们那未泡透灰所抹的墙,拆平到地,以致根基露出,墙必倒塌,你们也必在其中灭亡,你们就知道我是耶和华。
15 我要这样向墙和用未泡透灰抹墙的人成就我怒中所定的,并要对你们说:“墙和抹墙的人都没有了!”
16 这抹墙的就是以色列的先知,他们指着耶路撒冷说预言,为这城见了平安的异象,其实没有平安。这是主耶和华说的。’

False Prophets

"Prophesy against the prophets . . . who prophesy out of their own imagination." — Ezekiel 13:2

英语音频 English Audio

Prophets must speak the true Word of God. There were many times in ancient Israel when people spoke out and led others to believe they were prophets. But they had no revelation from God; God had not sent them. And yet people expected their words to be fulfilled. Through Ezekiel, God reminded the people about those false prophets. They spoke out of their own imagination.

A prophet’s main function was to serve as God’s representative by communicating God’s Word to his people. True prophets never spoke on their own authority or personal opinion.

This remains a warning today to all preachers and teachers. The image of false teachings as a whitewashed, flimsy wall being destroyed is powerful. In a storm it will fall, providing no defense. False teachings and lies have no place in God’s kingdom. They must be rooted out, like weeds that would choke a garden and keep it from bearing good fruits and vegetables.

Today our foundation for truth is God’s Word in the Bible. If someone says, “God spoke to me, and God is telling us to do this or that,” it should agree with the clear teaching of the Bible. If it does not, it is false. All of the Bible’s teaching points to Jesus as the One who saves by God’s amazing grace and love, and he calls us to share this good news everywhere. In what ways are you bringing God’s news today?


Lord, guard us against our wrong opinions and faulty thinking. Reveal your Word to us more and more so that we may be your faithful witnesses. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
