
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他清早起来,按着〔儿女〕… 的数目献燔祭。 … 约伯常常这样行。 ” - 伯1:5


真正的祭司职份是由神按立的。在旧约时代、耶稣还没有完全应验祭司职份之前,神一直都有选召祭司。带领衪的子民离开埃及后,神便按立亚伦和他子孙为祭司(出埃及记 28:1-3)。从那时开始,亚伦的子孙的主要任务,是作为神和以色列民的中保;他们的工作包括为百姓献祭、和执行神藉摩西颁布的律法和其他规条(参看利未记)。

在历史不同的阶段中,当以色列民离弃神时,祭司的制度也随着衰微。 当他们需要一个在不洁之民和圣洁的神中间作调停人的祭司时, 人民很难找到从亚伦家族出来的敬虔祭司。





约伯记 1:1-5

1 乌斯地有一个人名叫约伯。那人完全、正直,敬畏神,远离恶事。
2 他生了七个儿子,三个女儿。
3 他的家产有七千羊,三千骆驼,五百对牛,五百母驴,并有许多仆婢。这人在东方人中就为至大。
4 他的儿子按着日子各在自己家里设摆筵宴,就打发人去,请了他们的三个姐妹来,与他们一同吃喝。
5 筵宴的日子过了,约伯打发人去叫他们自洁。他清早起来,按着他们众人的数目献燔祭,因为他说:“恐怕我儿子犯了罪,心中弃掉神。”约伯常常这样行。

A Family Priest

"Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of [his children]. . . . This was Job’s regular custom." — Job 1:5

英语音频 English Audio

Job was a father who thought about his children and their relationship with God. He even made sacrifices for them, as sort of a family priest. “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts,” he thought. We are told he did this regularly.

The true idea of the priesthood was ordained by God. Before Jesus fulfilled the priesthood perfectly, God appointed priests throughout the Old Testament. After bringing his people out of Egypt, God ordained Aaron and his sons to be priests (Exodus 28:1-3). From then on, Aaron’s descendants served Israel mainly as mediators between the people and God. This work involved offering sacrifices for the people and fulfilling other regulations required in the law given through Moses (see Leviticus).

At various times in their history when Israel fell away from God, the priesthood declined. Families struggled to find a God-fearing priest descended from Aaron. A priest was needed to mediate between an unholy people and the holy God.

You may not see yourself as a priest, but, like Job, whenever you pray for a family member or another loved one, that is a way of being a priest. Many believers have a long list of people they pray for daily. Are you someone who does that? If so, you are fulfilling the role of a priest.


Father in heaven, bring to mind for me today the people you want me to pray for. May I lift them up before you in love and compassion. Bless them and draw them close to you, Lord. In Jesus, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
