
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶,又使我们成为国民,作他父神的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能都归给他,直到永永远远。阿们!” - 启 1:5-6



启示录5章亦描述了一个景象,那时天使天军都称颂耶稣为万王之王。为什么呢?他们说:“因为你 … 用自己的血,从各族、各方、各民、各国中买了人来,叫他们归于神,又叫他们成为国民,作祭司,归于神,在地上执掌王权。”接着又大声歌颂说:“曾被杀的羔羊〔耶稣〕是配得权柄、丰富、智慧、能力、尊贵、荣耀、颂赞的!”





启示录 1:1-6

1 耶稣基督的启示,就是神赐给他,叫他将必要快成的事指示他的众仆人。他就差遣使者晓谕他的仆人约翰。
2 约翰便将神的道和耶稣基督的见证,凡自己所看见的都证明出来。
3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的,都是有福的,因为日期近了。
4 约翰写信给亚细亚的七个教会。但愿从那昔在、今在、以后永在的神和他宝座前的七灵,
5 并那诚实作见证的、从死里首先复活、为世上君王元首的耶稣基督,有恩惠、平安归于你们!他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶,
6 又使我们成为国民,做他父神的祭司。但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远!阿们。

Grand Finale

"To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen." — Revelation 1:5-6

英语音频 English Audio

Often at the close of a great symphony, or a concert, or a fireworks show, we are treated to a grand finale. With fireworks, the bursts are loud and long and beautiful. The whole night sky above us lights up. To me, it’s always worth staying up for; I love the grand finale.

As a grand finale in God’s Word to us, the book of Revelation reminds us that we are priests. Today Jesus rules on the throne. He is our ultimate Priest and King forever, and he “has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father.” The priesthood and kingship of Jesus are eternal. That’s what we can look forward to as priests of God almighty.

Revelation 5 also describes a scene in which the hosts of heaven hail Jesus as the King of all kings. Why? “Because . . . with your blood,” they say, “you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” So the song rings out: “Worthy is [Jesus] the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”

We are priests serving in God’s kingdom forever. And this is all to the Lord’s glory and honor. Thanks be to God!


Lord Jesus, keep us faithful as your prophets and priests. Lead us to people and places that need your Word and care. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
