
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“万军之耶和华,他是荣耀的王。” - 诗 24:10









诗篇 24

1 地和其中所充满的,世界和住在其间的,都属耶和华。
2 他把地建立在海上,安定在大水之上。
3 谁能登耶和华的山?谁能站在他的圣所?
4 就是手洁心清,不向虚妄,起誓不怀诡诈的人。
5 他必蒙耶和华赐福,又蒙救他的神使他成义。
6 这是寻求耶和华的族类,是寻求你面的雅各。(细拉)
7 众城门哪,你们要抬起头来!永久的门户,你们要被举起!那荣耀的王将要进来!
8 荣耀的王是谁呢?就是有力有能的耶和华,在战场上有能的耶和华。
9 众城门哪,你们要抬起头来!永久的门户,你们要把头抬起!那荣耀的王将要进来!
10 荣耀的王是谁呢?万军之耶和华,他是荣耀的王。(细拉)

The King Of Glory

"The LORD Almighty—he is the King of glory." — Psalm 24:10

英语音频 English Audio

The gates of Jerusalem had quite a story to tell. It was a story of royalty, glory, splendor, and victory. From the glory days of Israel’s great King David, Psalm 24 reminds us that the gates of Jerusalem were important for God’s people beyond giving protection and access to the city.

In Psalm 24 the gates of the holy city are personified for welcoming the coming King. A jubilant reception awaits the King of glory, the Lord Almighty. The doors are opened; the gates are lifted high. “Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors,” says this psalm, emphasizing that the entrance isn’t high enough to accommodate the glory of the one true King of all kings.

Today as you worship, you may hear these special words in a reading of Psalm 24. Though our earthly worship may fall short, the matchless King of heaven, the Lord Almighty, graciously receives our praise.

Our task is to spread the news of our great Lord and Savior. People may ask us, “Who is this King of glory?” As followers of the King, who calls us into his reign and rule, we too have quite a story to tell.

In this time of Lent, as we walk closer to the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for our sake, may our heads be lifted up in praise and worship.


Heavenly Father, as we worship and praise you today, help us to glimpse your glory and majesty. Bring us closer to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
