
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“‘凡想要保全生命的,必丧掉生命;凡丧掉生命的,必救活生命。’” - 路 17:33

在大斋节期继续下去时,我们也越来越接近危险的十字架了。我们知道耶稣基督为拯救我们付上了重价,衪十分愿意这样做,所以衪“定意向耶路撒冷去”(路加福音 9:51)。作为受膏者(弥赛亚),衪顺从衪的父神。



耶稣在今天的经文中所说的话提醒我们,如果我们逃避神的国的事情,我们便会错过神准备赐给我们的丰盛生命了。如果我们乐于接受我们这个由圣灵带领和真正的身份,我们将会在耶稣基督里经历到永远的生命。在我们朝着成为更像耶稣的目标前进时,我们或许会失去我们今生熟识的生命,然而,我们的收获将会大得多 – 就是能够永远与衪一起。




路加福音 17:20-37

20 法利赛人问神的国几时来到,耶稣回答说:“神的国来到不是眼所能见的。
21 人也不得说‘看哪,在这里!’、‘看哪,在那里!’,因为神的国就在你们心里。”
22 他又对门徒说:“日子将到,你们巴不得看见人子的一个日子,却不得看见。
23 人将要对你们说‘看哪,在那里!’、‘看哪,在这里!’,你们不要出去,也不要跟随他们。
24 因为人子在他降临的日子,好像闪电从天这边一闪,直照到天那边。
25 只是他必须先受许多苦,又被这世代弃绝。
26 挪亚的日子怎样,人子的日子也要怎样。
27 那时候的人又吃又喝,又娶又嫁,到挪亚进方舟的那日,洪水就来,把他们全都灭了。
28 又好像罗得的日子,人又吃又喝,又买又卖,又耕种又盖造,
29 到罗得出所多玛的那日,就有火与硫磺从天上降下来,把他们全都灭了。
30 人子显现的日子也要这样。
31 当那日,人在房上,器具在屋里,不要下来拿;人在田里,也不要回家。
32 你们要回想罗得的妻子!
33 “凡想要保全生命的,必丧掉生命;凡丧掉生命的,必救活生命。
34 我对你们说:当那一夜,两个人在一个床上,要取去一个,撇下一个;
35 两个女人一同推磨,要取去一个,撇下一个。”
37 门徒说:“主啊,在哪里有这事呢?”耶稣说:“尸首在哪里,鹰也必聚在哪里。”

Toward The Cross

"Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it." — Luke 17:33

英语音频 English Audio

As this season of Lent continues, we come closer and closer to the dangerous cross. We realize that Jesus Christ paid an enormous price for our salvation. And he did so willingly as he “resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). As the Anointed One (Messiah), Jesus was obedient to God the Father.

As our chief Prophet, Jesus revealed to us the will of God concerning our salvation. As our only High Priest, the one sacrifice of his body paid the penalty for our sins. And today as our eternal King, he governs us through his Word and Spirit, always defending and preserving us for work in his kingdom.

God calls us to join in this holy work as prophets, priests, and rulers serving the King. We too are anointed and share in this grand work of redeeming love. As we worship, pray, share his good news, and bring blessing to others, we grow nearer to God and help to bring others into his presence.

The words of Jesus in today’s verse remind us that if we shy away from the things of God’s kingdom, we will miss out on the full life God intends for us. If we accept and embrace our Spirit-led and true identity, we will experience everlasting life in Jesus Christ. As we proceed toward becoming more like Christ, we may lose our life as we now know it, but we will gain so much more—eternity with him.


Thank you, Lord, for new life in Christ. May I live to the glory and majesty of the true Prophet, Priest, and King, in whose name I pray. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
