
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他们将神的真实变为虚谎,去敬拜事奉受造之物,不敬奉那造物的主。主乃是可称颂的,直到永远。” - 罗 1:25



重要的是,我们要打开信心的眼睛,把焦点从自身转向神。神造我们,是为了要我们荣耀祂,看顾他人的需要,就如同祂为我们做的一样。但我们常常随心所欲,无视上帝,以谎言代替真理(参创 3:6)每当我们把神推置一边,把全部精力都放在其它事物上——比如事业,运动,娱乐,政治,嗜好,趋势或其它,我们所事奉的就是那些事物,而不是神了。我们所荣耀的就是那些事物,而不是造我们的神了。我们把祂创造的、要我们享受的美好生命搞得一团糟。





罗马书 1:18-25


Messed Up

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.” — Romans 1:25

英语音频 English Audio

Viewing a stunning panorama from a mountaintop, gazing up at a sky filled with stars, or admiring a glorious sunset, we are often filled with awe and wonder at our Creator. Even many people who don’t acknowledge the God of the Bible will exclaim, “Such beauty didn’t just happen by accident!”

In Romans 1, the apostle Paul explains that God made his “eternal power and divine nature” clear since the creation of the world, so there is no excuse for anyone who may claim they are not aware of God.

It’s a matter of opening eyes of faith and focusing on God instead of ourselves. God made us to glorify him and look to the needs of others, as he does for us. But too often we follow our own desires and ignore God, exchanging the truth for a lie (see Genesis 3:6). When we push God aside and pour all our energy into other things—career, sports, pleasure, politics, hobbies, trends, and more—we serve those things rather than the Creator. We glorify them instead of the God who made us. We mess up the good life he created us to enjoy.

If God didn’t step in to save us, we would have been lost forever. So in response to God’s love, let’s not listen to lies like “There is no God” or “I am number one.” Instead, knowing the truth revealed in Jesus, we can shout our praise: “Thanks be to God, our Savior!”


Creator God, we know we are inclined to sin and to focus on ourselves. Thank you for sending Jesus to save us, and help us to live to your glory. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
