
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“大哉,敬虔的奥秘!无人不以为然,就是:神在肉身显现,…被世人信服,被接在荣耀里。” - 提前 3:16




保罗在这里的简述,其内容远远超越一份信仰的清单,它描述救主的奇妙和奥秘,祂的故事不是以死亡作结,甚至不是以从死里复活作结,这个故事乃是以与天上的父同得荣耀继续下去的。耶稣既然已经升到天上,我们也同样能够往那里去,我们也可以和衪一起与神同住。因为当衪在末日再来时,我们将会与我们的主在新天新地同住了(启示录 21-22)!





提摩太前书 3:14-16


Living The Story

“The mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh... was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.” - 1 Timothy 3:16

英语音频 English Audio

Sometimes the Christian faith is seen as a stale checklist of teachings. The church proclaims that Jesus died and rose again. And then he ascended into heaven. But what difference does that make for our lives?

The ascension of Jesus may seem like a teaching that makes no difference. Compared to his victory over death at the resurrection, Jesus’ ascension can seem almost an afterthought.

But the ascension has always been a part of the Christian story. The apostle Paul, summarizing that story here, reminds us that the Lord who “appeared in the flesh” was also “taken up in glory.” It is from this whole story—not just part of it—that “true godliness springs” and our lives are changed.

Paul’s summary here offers much more than a checklist of beliefs. It describes the wonder and mystery of the Savior whose story does not end in death, or even in rising from the dead, but continues in glory with the Father in heaven. And Jesus’ going there makes it possible for us to go there too. With him, we can live in God’s presence. And when he returns at the end of time, we will live with our Lord in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21-22)!

Jesus, who is “preached among the nations” as the Savior from sin, has ascended to reign in glory. May this give new vibrancy to our faith today.


Holy God, if the story of your love for us seems stale, give us a glimpse of Jesus’ glory and fill us with the vibrancy of your Spirit. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
