
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“正祝福的时候,他就离开他们,被带到天上去了。” - 路 24:51


从死里复活之后的几个星期中,耶稣向祂的门徒显现,祂教训他们,又说服他们祂确实是活着的。祂的跟随者感到非常高兴,但他们同时也在对付心中的疑惑(参看马太福音 28:17;约翰福音 20:27),和尝试明白这些事的含义。


若有人突然离开我们,我们往往会感到惊讶、失望、或甚至伤心。门徒似乎也经历到以上这些感受(参看约翰福音 16:19-20;使徒行传 1:10),但他们最终的反应却非常重要:“他们就拜他,”又“大大地欢喜”称颂神。






路加福音 24:50-53


He Left Them

“While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.” - Luke 24:51

英语音频 English Audio

Today we celebrate Ascension Day, the day that marks Jesus’ return to heaven.

For several weeks after rising from the dead, Jesus appeared to his disciples, taught them, and convinced them that he was really alive. His followers rejoiced. They also wrestled with their doubts (see Matthew 28:17; John 20:27) and tried to understand what it all meant.

Then, suddenly, the moment Jesus had prepared them for arrived. He had spoken many times of his return to the Father. Now, we’re told, he “led them” to witness his ascension. He blessed them. And “while he was blessing them, he left... and was taken up into heaven.”

When people leave us suddenly, we’re often shocked, disappointed, or even hurt. Though it seems the disciples felt some of these emotions (see John 16:19-20; Acts 1:10), their ultimate response is noteworthy: “they worshiped him,” and “with great joy” they praised God.

Jesus’ disciples had been well prepared for this moment. They learned that Jesus had led them well, and because he led them to this moment, it had to be for their good. They saw that even as he left them, their Lord continued to give his blessing.

Jesus has prepared us, too, to worship God and serve him while he is in heaven. On this Ascension Day, let us remember his leading and blessing as we wait for his return.


Ascended Lord, we praise you. Help us to see your leading and blessing as you rule in heaven. Let us serve with joy until you come again. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
