
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“神就差遣自己的儿子成为罪身的形状 …。” - 罗 8:3

神差派参孙做祂的子民的救主-但是参孙自己却想做什么呢?他只想满足自己眼目的情欲。参孙看见一个非利士女子,便想娶他为妻;他的父母提醒他,神要求他娶一个神的子民(申命记 7:3-4),可是参孙仍然一意孤行要娶这女子,因为他视她为合适的人选(士师记 14:3)。



我们要为真正的拯救者耶稣感谢神;祂明白我们的软弱,像我们一样受过试探,只是祂没有犯罪(希伯来书 4:15),祂担当了我们一切的罪,并且为我们承受了痛苦的后果;祂更从坟墓里复活了,把新生命赐给凡相信祂的人。哈利路亚!奇妙救主!



士师记 14:1-3


Is This Really A Savior?

“God [sent] his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh... ” - Romans 8:3

英语音频 English Audio

In Samson, God sends his people a savior—and what does Samson want to do? All he wants is to satisfy his eyes’ desire. Samson sees a Philistine girl and wants her for his wife. His parents remind him that God wants him to marry one of God’s people (Deuteronomy 7:3-4). But Samson insists on having this woman because she is right in his own eyes (14:3).

This Nazirite from the womb, though endowed with the Spirit, is not led by the Spirit but by his wandering eyes—just like God’s people. They too are God’s firstborn, special among all the peoples of the earth, bound by their promises (covenant) to love God above all—but repeatedly they follow after other gods. Like the people, Samson does what is wicked in God’s eyes.

In Samson, God sent a savior who mirrored the sins of his people, because God designed the savior of his people to know the burden of their wickedness. Even more, to suffer the consequences of their wickedness. None of these saviors in Judges, however, could escape the burden and consequences of their own sins.

Thanks be to God for the true Savior, Jesus, who understands our weaknesses, who was tempted as we are, but did not sin (Hebrews 4:15). He took on the burden of all our wickedness, and he suffered the consequences for our sake. Then he rose from the grave, providing new life for all who believe in him. Hallelujah, what a Savior!


For the Savior who knew and bore my sin, I thank you, Lord. Open my eyes to live for you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
