
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“神在基督里叫世人与自己和好 … 。 ” - 林后 5:19





某一天,在拿撒勒的约瑟的儿子耶稣,告诉周围的人祂是神的仆人,他们便知道了;有些人感到希奇,但有些人却尝试去杀害祂(路加福音 4:14-30)。




士师记 14:4


Who Knew?

“God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ... ” - 2 Corinthians 5:19

英语音频 English Audio

Samson’s parents didn’t know that their son’s behavior was a part of God’s redemptive toolbox. Sinful behavior that can bring about salvation from the enemy is an unthinkable, even foolish thought.

But God himself didn’t make Samson lust after Philistine women. Like all the descendants of Adam and Eve, Samson was perfectly capable of creative sinfulness and obstinacy to God’s will.

It’s strangely fitting that God hid the savior of his people in plain view: Samson the Nazirite lusted after Philistine women just as Israel panted after the gods of other peoples. No one would guess that he was God’s special instrument of salvation. He was just another young man obsessed with women.

God’s ways are not ours. He chose what is low and weak for a world-shaking transformation. Who could have known that sinners like Jephthah and Samson might rescue Israel for a time from its self-made messes? Who could have known that a no-name Galilean from Nazareth might be the Son of God?

One day in Nazareth, Jesus, the son of Joseph, told the local community that he was God’s Servant. Then they knew. Some were amazed, and others tried to kill him (Luke 4:14-30).

God so loved the world that he sent Jesus of Nazareth to save from sin all who would believe he is the Son of God, our Savior. Hallelujah!


Dear Lord, I need you every hour. Teach me your will, and use me in fulfilling your promises. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
