
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“好些别的妇女,都是用自己的财物供给耶稣和门徒。” - 路 8:3


耶稣曾是个木匠,十二门徒中的有些人曾是渔夫。但他们开始旅行传道后,都离开了他们的岗位。耶稣曾说:“狐狸有洞,飞鸟有窝,人子却没有枕头的地方”(太 8:20)。祂没有家具或舒适的屋子。祂和十二使徒都依赖于像抹大拉的马利亚、约亚拿、苏撒拿这些人的慷慨解囊。

这并不是一种新颖的传道模式。许多年前,撒勒法的一个寡妇为先知以利亚提供了一间楼上的房间和每天的食物(王上 17)——神也供应了她一切所需。同样的,书念一个大户的妇人和她丈夫在房顶上为以利沙盖了一间小楼,在其中安放床榻、桌子、椅子,好使他来的时候有个停留的地方。(王下 4)。

所有美善的事物都是从神而来的礼物(雅 1:17)。你能分享什么来帮忙服事神的国呢?



路加福音 8:1-3


Supporting Jesus’ Ministry

“These women were helping to support [Jesus and the disciples] out of their own means.” — Luke 8:3

英语音频 English Audio

Today we are reminded of a seldom-noted aspect of Jesus’ ministry: several women helped to support Jesus and the twelve disciples out of their own means. In other words, with their own money they helped to take care of food, clothing, shelter, and other incidental expenses.

Jesus had been a builder, and some of the twelve disciples had been fishermen. But they left their employment when they began their traveling ministry. Jesus once said, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (Matthew 8:20). He didn’t own furniture or a cozy little bungalow. He and the twelve disciples depended on the generosity of people like Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna.

This was not an entirely new pattern of ministry. Many years earlier, a widow in Zarephath provided the prophet Elijah with an upper room in her house and food to eat each day (1 Kings 17)—and the Lord supplied all her needs. Similarly, a well-to-do woman in Shunem and her husband made a room for Elisha on the roof of their home, and they put a bed, table, and chair in it so he had a place to stay when he was in the area (2 Kings 4).

All the good things we have are gifts from God (James 1:17). What can you share to help in the service of God’s kingdom?


Lord Jesus, we want to follow you. Guide us to know what our calling is, and how to serve you in it. In your name we pray. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
