
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“得智慧的,这人便为有福。...(她)比珍珠宝贵。” - 箴 3:13-15

箴言这卷书描写了两种不同性格的女人。一个是智慧的化身。“比珍珠(作红宝石)宝贵。你一切所喜爱的,都不足与比较。”(箴 3:15)。她呼吁人们远离罪恶,转向神。

另一个女人,愚蒙,喧嚷,一无所知。她坐在家门口,诱惑人们过不道德生活:“偷来的水是甜的,暗吃的饼是好的。”(箴 9:17)。箴言把她描述成一个淫妇,说:“被她伤害仆倒的不少....你的心不可偏向淫妇之道....她的家是在阴间之路。”(箴 7:25-27)。

箴言中既有盗贼,懒惰人,好争竞的,亵慢人,说闲话的,也有智慧、谨慎、正直、良善、慷慨的人。“谁能说,我洁净了我的心。我脱净了我的罪。”(箴 20:9)这句话让我们都谦卑下来。

圣经中的智慧呼吁我们回转向神,从罪中悔改,过正直的生活。我们逐渐认识到,把神放在生命的首位,是真正活着的唯一途径。这就是为什么箴言 9:10说:“敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端。”

我们寻求智慧,就会找到耶稣基督,“神又使他成为我们的智慧,公义,圣洁,救赎。”(林前 1:30)。



箴言 3:13-20


Wisdom: More Precious Than Rubies

“Blessed are those who find wisdom. . . . She is more precious than rubies.” — Proverbs 3:13-15

英语音频 English Audio

The book of Proverbs presents two women of different character. One is Wisdom personified. “She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her” (Proverbs 3:15). She calls people to shun evil and turn to God.

The other woman, Folly, is loud and defiant. She calls out from her door with temptations to immoral living: “Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!” (9:17). Describing her as an adulterous woman, Proverbs says, “Many are the victims she has brought down. . . . Do not let your heart turn to her ways. . . . Her house is a highway to the grave” (7:25-27).

Proverbs is populated by thieves, sluggards, quarrelers, mockers, and gossips, as well as people who are wise, careful, just, kind, and generous. And we are all humbled by the words “Who can say, ‘I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin’?” (20:9).

The wisdom of the Bible calls us back to God, to repentance from sin, to right living. We grow to recognize that putting God first in our lives is the only way to truly live. That is why Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Our search for wisdom leads us to Jesus Christ, “who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30).


Lord, you are our heart’s desire, our treasure more precious than rubies. Thank you that we have the riches of full life in Christ. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
