
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“他用右手按着我…。” - 启 1:17



耶稣的抚摸,令人大大平静下来!祂满有能力的话带给人何等大的保证!这个故事不单描述约翰在拔摩岛与主面对面站着时所发生的事,它更显明这位升到天上和尊贵的神子耶稣是谁:耶稣是慈爱和怜悯的主。耶稣到来传扬神的国的好消息(马可福音 1:14-34),而抚摸人也很重要,它乃是耶稣医病事工的重心。





启示录 1:17-18



“Then he placed his right hand on me... “ - Revelation 1:17

英语音频 English Audio

Throughout his teaching ministry, Jesus gained a reputation for reaching out and touching people. When people with leprosy cried out to be healed, Jesus touched them. He touched the eyes of people who were blind. Touch was an integral component to Jesus’ healing ministry.

We see the gift of Jesus’ touch in this passage of Revelation too. John fell at Jesus’ feet—as though he were dead—because he could not remain standing in the Lord’s presence. Jesus responded to John’s fear by reaching out, placing his right hand on him, and saying, “Do not be afraid.”

What a calming touch Jesus provided! What powerful words of assurance he spoke! This story does more than just provide a picture of what happened to John on the island of Patmos when he stood face to face with Jesus. This reveals who Jesus is as the ascended and exalted Son of God: Jesus is the Lord of love and compassion. Just as when Jesus came to bring the good news of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-34), touch is central to his healing ministry.

The Spirit of God invites us to see ourselves in this picture. Jesus reaches out to us. He puts his right hand on us, and we hear him say these powerful words: “Do not be afraid.”

May we be comforted today by Jesus’ touch, his words of assurance, and his presence that removes our fear.


Forgive us, Lord God, for thinking you might be far away from us and out of touch. Lead us more and more into the embrace of your healing touch. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
