
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“少年时所生的儿女,好像勇士手中的箭。” - 诗 127:4



这首诗篇在我们抚养孩子的过程中给我们敲响了警钟。我们必须有紧迫感,训练我们的孩子使用他们的天赋做正确的事,按照主的方式生活,祂是“建造房屋”的那一位(诗 127:1)。这一点可以指我们的家庭,也可以指我们信仰的家(即主的教会)。我们需要常常为孩子祷告,知道即使在我们睡觉的时候,神也藉着祂的灵在他们里面工作,磨练他们为祂的国度来服事。




诗篇 127:3-5



“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” — Psalm 127:4

英语音频 English Audio

Parents sometimes compare their child to a teddy bear, or a princess, or maybe Einstein. But have you ever heard of children compared to arrows, as in Psalm 127? This psalm describes children as providing protection from enemies. That was important in ancient times, and we can see its benefits still today.

For example, if outlaws came to steal or wreck your property, a group of defenders could help to protect you. Having a large family could give you strength in numbers. And, as this psalm points out, it’s also important to have defenders in court, in case some accusers try to ruin you even though you are innocent. In that society, having two or more witnesses on your side could uphold your case in the public court and keep you from shame.

This psalm gives us a wake-up call in the way that we raise our children. We must have an urgency in training our children to use their talents and gifts to do what is right and to live by the ways of the Lord, who “builds the house” (Psalm 127:1)—and that can refer to our household of family mem-bers as well as to the household of faith (the Lord’s church). We need to pray often for our children, knowing that even while we are sleeping (v. 2) God keeps working in them through his Spirit, honing them for service in his kingdom.

What kind of difference can you make—not only now but also for future generations?


Equip us, Lord, to train up children in the way they should go, for your sake, from one generation to the next. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
