
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“耶稣... 就对他母亲说,母亲,看你的儿子。又对那门徒说,看你的母亲。” - 约 19:26-27



想到神宣称我是祂的孩子,真令人感动。意识到祂也这样宣称其他人,也很有力量。我无法掌控神还拣选了谁,神接纳了他们,现在他们就是我的弟兄姐妹了——永远都是。 基于神拣选的关系实际上比基于血缘的关系更加持久。可悲的是,有时我们的亲人拒绝基督,而这些关系在我们死后就结束了。

耶稣对我们说:“这是你新的母亲;这是你新的儿子;这是你新的兄弟或姐妹。” 祂这样说时,这些新的关系将持续到永远。



约翰福音 19:25-27


New Relationships

"Jesus . . . said to her, 'Woman, here is your son,' and to the disciple, 'Here is your mother.'" - John 19:26-27

英语音频 English Audio

At first glance it seems that Jesus is simply taking good care of his mother in this passage. But there’s a lot more happening. Mary, Jesus’ mother, shouldn’t have needed John to take care of her. Mary had four other sons (two of whom went on to write the books of James and Jude in the Bible), and it was their responsibility to care for their mother. Why would Mary need to live with John?

The real point is that on the cross Jesus changed human relationships. On the cross, Jesus made Spirit thicker than blood. Jesus paid for our sins. With our sins forgiven, God the Father reasserts his claim over us. In Christ, we become adopted children of God.

It’s moving to think that God has claimed me as his child. It’s also powerful to realize that he has claimed others. I didn’t get a choice about who else God has chosen; he claims them, and now they are my brothers and sisters—forever. The relationships based on God’s choice are actually more permanent than the relationships based on blood relations. Tragically, sometimes blood relatives reject Christ, and those relationships end when we die.

Jesus says to us, “This is your new mother; this is your new son; this is your new brother or sister.” And when he says that, these new relationships last forever.


Jesus, I love my blood relatives. I pray for you to work in each one’s heart to become a child of the Father. Please help me also to love all your other children just as much. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
