
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“证明这事的说,是了。我必快来。阿们。主耶稣啊,我愿你来。” - 启 22:20


“主啊,我愿你来”这句话可能来自早期基督徒所使用的亚兰语:“玛拉纳塔!”例如,使徒保罗也使用了这个亚兰短语来结束他写给哥林多教会的第一封信(参林前 16:22)。




值得注意的是,在圣经结尾处,在发出耶稣第二次再临的祈求之前,耶稣已经亲自发出应许:“是了。我必快来。” 还有比这更大更明确的应许吗?




启示录 22:20-21


"Come, Lord Jesus!"

"He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus." — Revelation 22:20

英语音频 English Audio

Prayer is so essential to the Christian life that the Bible closes with a short prayer: "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus."

The words "Come, Lord" probably draw from an Aramaic expression used by early Christians: "Maranatha!" For example, the apostle Paul used this Aramaic phrase as he closed his first letter to the church in Corinth (see 1 Corinthians 16:22).

Why would Paul use an Aramaic phrase while writing to a Greek-speaking church? Well, Aramaic was the common, local language spoken in the region where Jesus and his disciples lived. Some have suggested that maran was a word the people used to voice their longing for the Messiah to come. And by adding atha, they say, Paul echoed a confession of the early Christians in his day. Pointing to Christ, those words mean, "Our Lord has come."

In Paul's day, Christians apparently also used maranatha as a mutual greeting, identifying themselves in a world that was hostile to them. They also used similar words as a short prayer repeated throughout the day, Marana tha, "Come, O Lord."

Significantly, at the close of the Bible, this prayer for Jesus' second coming is preceded by a promise from Jesus himself: "Yes, I am coming soon." Can there be any greater assurance?

As we work and long for the coming of God's kingdom, may our prayers often include these words from the closing lines of Scripture: "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"


Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus! Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
