信心 - 不如意的事情发生时

作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“‘不要为自己积攒财宝在地上 …。’” - 太 6:19

这辆车真是非常悦人眼目 - 我是在展厅看到了这辆鲜红色的汽车;它异乎寻常地抓住了我的心 - 而我也因它而异乎寻常地动用了我的银行存款。购买了它不久,儿子和我开着它到洛矶山旅行。我们第一天的目的地是威斯康辛州朋友的家。

两父子一起旅行是一件何等愉快的事。在威斯康辛州见到我们的朋友,我们都很高兴 - 直至我们听到令人不安的金属碎裂发出的响声。天哪 - 发生了什么事?!



我的心以什么财宝为重呢?是一辆已经被撞毁变得难看的汽车吗?若发生了不如意的事情 - 意外、疾病、死亡、不管是什么事情 - 最重要的是我们如何去处理它。保罗在罗马书8:28提醒我要仰望神,并且知道神会作工叫万事效力、好让我们得益处的。



马太福音 6:19-24


Faith—When Bad Things Happen

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. . . ." - Matthew 6:19

英语音频 English Audio

It was a beauty—the cherry-red car I saw in the showroom. It grabbed too much of my heart—and too much of my savings account. Soon ­after I bought it, my son and I took it on a trip to the Rocky Mountains. Our first day's destination was the home of friends in Wisconsin.

It was a delight to be together as a dad and son on that journey. We were glad to be greeted by our friends in Wisconsin—until we heard an unsettling crunch of metal on metal. Oh, oh—what happened?!

We went out to look. It wasn't good. Our friends' young ­driver had backed their "beast" into the left front of our brand-new car, which wasn't so beautiful anymore. We stood there in shock, shaking our heads in dismay.

Then my son said, "Well, Dad, it has happened. Now the important thing is how we respond." I felt like saying, "Easy for you to say; it's my car!" But my better self came to see the wisdom of his words.

What treasure was my heart set on? On a car, now marred with ugly damage? When the unwanted happens—an acci­dent, illness, death, whatever—the important thing is how we respond. Paul's words in Romans 8:28 remind me to look to God and to know that he will work things out to bring good.


Lord, guide us to seek you and your kingdom first. When bad things happen, hold our hearts and help us to know that in all things you work to bring good. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
