信心 - 事事都每况愈下

作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“我知道怎样处卑贱,也知道怎样处丰富,或饱足、或饥饿、或有余、或缺乏,随事随在,我都得了秘诀。” - 腓 4:12


我这位沉静谦虚的朋友曾经历过与现今迥然不同的日子 - 昔日他是一个强壮而充满活力的青年。在吃早餐时,我们有时也能够哄他讲述他在二次世界大战任飞行员时的故事。他也可能会和大家分享数十年来打高尔夫球的愉快回忆。他已活了健康、活跃、颇有成就的一生。


他发出的微声叹息不是抗议,也不是抱怨;我的朋友只是在陈述一个事实。无数世代的人所经历过的境遇,现在已成为他当下的份了;他愿意接受这个事实 - 优雅、温顺地接受,又藉着信靠得到满足。我的朋友已学会了使徒保罗的秘诀 - 就是随事随在都知足。




腓立比书 4:10-13


Faith—When Nothing Gets Easier

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." - Philippians 4:12

英语音频 English Audio

As I drove up to the assisted living facility, my friend was ready and waiting. It was Tues­day, our breakfast day. With some effort he pulled his aged legs into the car, placed the cane between us, and let me fasten his seat belt. Then, buckled in, he sighed quietly, "Nothing gets easier."

My quiet, unassuming friend re­membered other days—back when he was a strong, vibrant young man. At our breakfasts we could sometimes coax stories out of him about being a pilot in World War II. Or he might share with us some memories he enjoyed from ­decades of playing golf. He had lived a healthy, active, productive life.

But now his legs and the body that had served him well for nearly a century had become unsteady and unreliable. Sim­ple tasks had become challenging. The sigh that came was understandable: "Nothing gets easier."

His gentle sigh wasn't a protest; it wasn't a grumbling complaint. My friend was simply stating a fact. What countless generations have experienced was now his lot; he accepted it—with grace and gentleness and a trusting contentment. My friend had learned what the apostle Paul learned—to be content in every situation.

Nothing gets easier. But by an interesting twist of God's grace, we can grow spiritual fruit: patience, kindness, gentleness, contentment.


Lord, grant us contentment as we live out our lives. Thank you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
