
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“有一个管会堂的人,名叫睚鲁,来见耶稣,就俯伏在他脚前。” - 可 5:22


睚鲁在当地会堂负责服侍,使其顺利运作,该会堂为当地的犹太社区提供崇拜和教导。他很可能还听说过其他一些犹太宗教领袖,即法利赛人,不喜欢耶稣,并受到警告要小心祂。法利赛人享受着他们作为律法教师和百姓治理者的权力地位,他们对耶稣受欢迎的程度和他令人震惊的神迹感到威胁。他们甚至已经开始密谋寻找杀害耶稣的方法(可 3:6)。尽管如此,睚鲁还是希望他的女儿得到医治。所以他去见了耶稣。





马可福音 5:21-24


A Humble Leader

"Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet." - Mark 5:22

英语音频 English Audio

Before I was born, a brother of mine passed away at the age of fourteen months. My parents had done all they could to find medical help and healing for him. Similarly, Jairus, a synagogue leader, feared losing his young daughter, and he also did all he could to gain healing for his child.

Jairus was responsible to help with the smooth running of the synagogue in town, which led worship and instruction for the local Jewish community. He likely had also heard that some other religious leaders, the Pharisees, didn't like Jesus and had warned people to watch out for him. The Pharisees enjoyed their position of power as teachers of the law and rulers of the people, and they felt threatened by Jesus' popularity and his amazing miracles. They had even begun plotting to find a way to kill Jesus (Mark 3:6). Despite all that, Jairus wanted healing for his daughter. So he went to see Jesus.

Jairus also left his pride and dignity behind. As a respected leader in the community, he was not expected to submit to a stranger in his town, and yet he fell at the feet of Jesus in great humility. Jairus did not care who saw him do this because he knew he needed Jesus' help.

Followers of Jesus leave their preconceptions and pride behind when they come to Jesus. He is Lord and King of all. In him we find the power to heal—body and soul.


King Jesus, help me to realize who you are, and to be humble before you. Thank you for your love and care. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
