例如,使徒保罗为了向凯撒上诉,在罗马监狱里等了两年。在那段时间里,他能够与许多拜访他的人分享耶稣的好消息(见徒 28:16-31)。保罗经历了许多试炼和艰难,而这一切都和分享基督的福音有关。他很感恩,“整个宫里的卫队”都知道他被锁的原因(腓 1:13)。保罗没有让苦毒充满他的心,而是写道:“我无论在什么景况都可以知足,这是我已经学会了。”
腓立比书 4:10-20
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." - Philippians 4:11
A prison would surely seem more like a cage than a classroom. But some of God's faithful servants landed in prison, and they learned precious lessons from their time in captivity.
The apostle Paul, for example, waited in a Roman prison for two years to appeal his case to Caesar. And during that time he was able to share the good news of Jesus with many people who visited him (see Acts 28:16-31). Paul had been through many trials and hardships—all related to sharing the gospel of Christ. And he gave thanks that even "the whole palace guard" had learned why he was in chains (Philippians 1:13). Instead of allowing bitterness to fill his heart, Paul wrote, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
Happiness is not a reality that is outside of us; it is an attitude that flows from within us. There are people who seem to have everything—and yet they have nothing. There are rich poor and poor rich. Though a person may be in chains, their heart can live in paradise. Others may tread on velvet carpets, but their soul can be in the torment of hell. Happiness is not automatic; it involves a learning process. We are happy when our source of pleasure is in God and not in material things, when our soul delights in the provider and not in the provisions. God is the source of our happiness, not things!
Great God, source of all good, when the satisfaction of our soul is in you, we can have joy, whether we are poor or rich or somewhere in between. In Jesus, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳