吩咐祂的门徒等候衪之后,耶稣便进到客西马尼园里去祷告。一个钟头后祂回来时,见到彼得、雅各、和约翰正在沉沉大睡。耶稣责备他们和警诫他们要清醒和警醒。然而,在后来两次离开他们去祷告后回来时,耶稣发现他们也一样睡着了。耶稣为什么以如此严厉的语气对他们说话呢?毕竟他们在肉体上、情绪上、和灵性上都已经筋疲力尽了 - 更可况他们感到被危险和厄运笼罩着。
虽然耶稣是在斥责门徒在睡觉,但这个埸景更深显示出祂自己的境况。耶稣感受到难以抵挡的忧伤,衪被将要临到的苦难重重压住了。然而衪的宣告 - “我父啊 … 不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思”和“愿你的意旨成全” - 在历代历世中迥荡着和一直流传到我们今天。
门徒没有能力保持清醒,更突出了耶稣的难受和痛楚 - 最后在十架上在难以忍受的痛苦中作结。耶稣为我们肩负痛苦,所以我们应以谦卑和感恩的心向祂屈膝。
马太福音 26:36-46
"He returned to his disciples and found them sleeping." - Matthew 26:40
After an exhausting day, have you still had more to do even though it was bedtime? And have you kept on, barely able to stay awake? That's the kind of day the disciples had when they went with Jesus to the garden of Gethsemane.
After telling his disciples to wait, Jesus went deeper into the garden to pray. Returning an hour later, he found Peter, James, and John fast asleep. Jesus scolded them and warned them to stay awake and alert. Yet, after going to pray and returning twice again, he found them sleeping. Why did Jesus take a rough tone with them? After all, they had become totally worn out physically, emotionally, and spiritually—not to mention having a cloud of danger and doom hanging over them.
Though Jesus rebuked the disciples' sleepiness, this scene reveals more about his own situation. Overwhelmed with sorrow, Jesus was weighed down with the great burden of suffering he would soon face. But his confession—"My Father . . . not as I will but as you will" and "May your will be done"—resonates through the centuries to us today.
The disciples' powerlessness to stay awake only highlights Jesus' pain and suffering, which ends in his excruciating death on the cross. The suffering that Jesus shouldered for us brings us to our knees in humility and gratitude.
Lord, we are so weak. Only you had the will and ability to carry the burden of our sin. Help us to stay alert and share your love. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳