
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“不可含怒到日落。” - 弗 4:26


在保罗写给以弗所信徒的信中,他很有条理地深入解释神在耶稣基督里对我们的爱,然后,保罗描述因着神这奇妙的爱我们应如何每天过生活,保罗其中一个建议是有关如何处理怒气。我们是按着神的形象被造的,我们有各种情绪,包括怒气(甚至耶稣有时也会发怒)。保罗承认我们会有怒气,跟着他便敦促我们要妥善处理它。他提议我们要尽快处理怒气,或者可以藉着开始去饶恕来处理它,就如我们被饶恕一样,这是他在歌罗西书3:13所说的。为什么呢? 因为未曾解决的怒气会破坏我们与神和与人的关系,它可以活活吞噬我们。




以弗所书 4:25-28


Sleep And Anger

"Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." - Ephesians 4:26

英语音频 English Audio

Some good advice for getting regular rest includes having a consistent bedtime, engaging in a quiet activity before sleep, sleeping in a cool, dark room, and shutting off "blue lights" (our phones). The apostle Paul adds another timeless piece of wisdom: "Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."

In his letter to the Ephesians, after providing a deeply textured explanation of God's love for us in Jesus Christ, Paul describes how we should live daily in the light of God's amazing grace. Among other things, Paul offers advice about dealing with anger. As creatures made in God's image, we all have emotions, including anger (even Jesus got angry sometimes). Paul acknowledges anger and then urges us to deal with it in a godly way. He suggests that we deal with our anger quickly, perhaps by beginning to forgive as we have been forgiven, as he says in Colossians 3:13. Why? Because unresolved anger destroys our relationships with God and with others and can devour us alive.

When we are angry, we should acknowledge this strong emotion, perhaps take some deep breaths, ask God to help us calm down, and then commit ourselves to taking timely steps to resolve our anger. We'll sleep better if we do.


Father, your just wrath for our sin and rebellion against you has been satisfied in Jesus. Help us, we pray, to forgive others as you have forgiven us. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
