
作者:每日箴言   来源:普世佳音

“道成了肉身,住在我们中间。” - 约 1:14


与人同在是我们作见证一个重要的部份。Eugene Peterson十分贴切地把今天的经文意译为:耶稣“成为有血有肉的人,并且迁进我们的社区”(信息版)。当我们以开放、友善、大方的态度来反映出耶稣时,我们便能够建立信赖和连系了。





约翰福音 1:14-18


Will You Be My Neighbor?

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." - John 1:14

英语音频 English Audio

In the neighborhood where my wife and I live, people tend to keep to themselves. Last summer, though, when we invited our neighbors for a social gathering, many of them said to each other, "I'm glad you're my neighbor!" and, "I am so grateful to live in this kind neighborhood." We were surprised by how much it meant for them to know who the neighbors were on our street, even if most of us were not connected socially.

Presence is a big part of our witness. Our passage today has been famously paraphrased by Eugene Peterson to say that Jesus "became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood" (The Message). When we reflect Jesus by showing up with an open posture, kindness, and generosity, we build trust and connection.

Recently our next-door neighbors were out of the country when a small problem came up at their house. They texted us about it, and I was able to fix the problem. It was a simple thing, but they were so grateful—and I knew they would do the same for us. We are present for each other.

As Jesus intentionally entered our world and became present with us, we have the opportunity to discern how we can bring Jesus' presence into our neighborhood. How do we show up in a way that can give people a sense of our Savior's heart for them?


Jesus, thank you for making your home among us. Because of your presence in our world, we are free. Please help us to be a caring presence in our community. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
