公义(Justice)还是只顾自己(Just us)?
以赛亚书42章提到了这个人,却没有指明是谁。然而,马太福音 12:15-21则告诉我们,耶稣就是先知在这里所描述的那一位,祂就是传扬公理的人。在圣经中,寻求公义就等同于使人和睦(参看九月十三日所说的)。Shalom(平安)代表一个全然公义的状态,就是生命中每一件事都是按照神的旨意进行。
认识耶稣的关键就是认识祂如何寻求公义。在祂的教导和医病事工中,耶稣牧养生病的、贫苦的、寄居的、和被排斥的人;祂颠覆了不公平的社会架构 - 贫穷和富裕、掌权和无助、健康和疾病等等之间的隔阂。
弥迦书 6:8这样说:“〔耶和华〕向你所要的是什么呢?只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。”
主耶稣,求你帮助我们今天忠心事奉你,让公理在你的世界里传开去 - 在家中,在我们的社群里、并在其他地方传开去。阿们。
以赛亚书 42:1-4
Justice Or Just Us?
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.” - Isaiah 42:1
Think about our world for a moment. Who could possibly bring justice to the nations?
Isaiah 42 speaks of this person but doesn’t say who it is. Matthew 12:15-21, though, shows that Jesus is the one described here. He is the one who brings justice. In the Bible, seeking justice is the same as peacemaking (see Sept. 13). Shalom, the state in which everything in life goes the way that God intends, is a state of total justice.
Seeking justice is central to understanding Jesus. In his teaching and healing work, Jesus ministered to people who were sick, poor, foreigners, and outcasts. He overturned unjust social structures—between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak, the healthy and the sick, and more.
Micah 6:8 puts it this way: “What does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Jesus’ followers did the same. Roman rulers observed Christians feeding the hungry and caring for the sick during epidemics, and declared, “See how they love one another!” Through the centuries, communities of Jesus’ followers have built schools and hospitals, abolished slavery, improved health care, reformed criminal-justice systems, and much, much more.
Justice means dying to “just us” so that everyone may live more fully.
Lord Jesus, help us to serve you faithfully today, bringing justice in your world—at home, in our communities, and beyond. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳